Credits for working capital

They will be granted in national currency to individual farmers and usufructuaries in the modalities of simple credit (a single installment) or line of credit (several installments) for a maximum term of 18 months.


  • Production of temporary crops (productive cycle of less than 18 months).
  • Permanent plantations (productive cycle greater than 18 months).
  • Livestock production.
  • Self-consumption.
  • Posture production.
  • Protected, semi-protected, organoponic crops and intensive orchards.
  • Marketing expenses.
  • Benefits to selected productions.
  • Production of fresh vegetables and condiments.


  • Inscription in the state registry according to the form of production.
  • Certification of legal land ownership.
  • Insurance policy or application for it.
  • Operate a bank account at the branch of the request.
  • Appointment and signature of the persons authorized to incur and pay debts.
  • Application model.

Guarantees: Agricultural insurance;  joint guarantors;  pledge of accounts;  garments of goods (jewelry, motor vehicles, livestock, tractors and harvesters);  and mortgages on personal property (summer homes and vacant lots).