Compensation Box

The Compensation Fund is an official institution created by the Social Defense Code since April 4, 1936, and its mission is to enforce Civil Responsibilities for Natural Persons.

Among its functions are:

  • To receive and review copies of judgments related to civil liability.
  • To send requests to delinquent debtors so that they appear to compensate their debt.
  • To receive notifications of compensation to creditors, we collect and issue proof of payment.
  • To deliver checks to compensate creditors which are issued by the Central Fund.
  • To reconcile with prisons for inmates who owe civil liability.

In our territory, the Provincial Office for the management of collections and payments is located in the Provincial Directorate of Justice, located at 41, General Moncada Street between Borja del Castillo and General Tamayo Streets, Bayamo

Obligations of the Debtors:

Without the need for prior requirements, all debtors who are aware of their responsibility must appear at our office within 30 business days after the firmness, otherwise they have a surcharge of 10% of the amount of the debt according to article 11 of the Law 1258 of 1954. If pensions do not have this surcharge, it is the fixed fee established by the court.

Obligations of Creditors:

Victims have 90 business days from the notification made by the sanctioning court to claim their compensation, otherwise they lose the right.  If they waive the collection or fail to request it within the established term, it does not mean that the sanctioned person is released from paying the amount of civil liability to the Compensation Fund.

In the case of payment of creditors, it will be made when the debtor settles his debt, deducting 20% ​​of the debt set by the court, reflected in article 7 of the aforementioned Law.  In the case of pensions, the victim of the crime receives the full payment of the fixed pension.

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