Declaration of heir and acts of last will

Unit of the Ministry of Justice whose social function is to register the Testamentary Parts and Acts of Declaration of Heirs that are granted in any of the country's notary offices, as well as any modification or annulment of these notarial instruments by Judicial Resolution.  This registration is produced ex officio by the Registry, that is, natural persons should not make any management.

It also certifies the existence or absence of wills or declaration of heirs, for this request it will be necessary to present: Death Certificate of the deceased and 2 postage stamps worth $5.00.  Anyone can apply.

If the intention is to update an Act of Declaration of Heirs, it will be necessary to present the act in question and $10.00 in postage stamps, which can be 1 stamp of $10.00 or 2 of $5.00.

The Act of Declaration of Heirs that contains in its margin expression of the volume and folio will be valid for a term of one year from the date of authorization.

The certifications issued are valid for 6 months, after which period, if necessary, they must be requested again.  The explanation is that any of the notarial instruments can be judicially modified or annulled.

To process your request, you must go to the Provincial Directorate of Justice located at 41, General Moncada Street between Borja del Castillo and General Tamayo Streets, Bayamo, or to the nearest Collective Law Firm.

You can also apply online, through the Ministry of Justice website:

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