
Procedures to be carried out by graduates in the Labor Department

The main procedures carried out in work addresses are related to:

Change of work location of graduates in Social Service.

Compliance with social service is established in Law 116/2015, Labor Code and Decree 326 and the change of work location in resolution 8/2013 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

The social service consists in the fulfillment of the duty of the graduates of day courses, who reach the knowledge at the higher and professional technical level of education, to put them in function of society in accordance with the planning and priorities of economic and social development. .

Social service has a duration of three years and is combined with active military service, so that the sum of both completes the three years and is fulfilled in the place and work in the entity to which the graduate is assigned.

When it is necessary to transfer a graduate assigned to a body, agency, national entity, higher management organization or other entities for the fulfillment of social service, to another, it is submitted to the approval of the authorities that assigned him, from the agreement of both bodies, agencies, national entities or higher management organizations or other entities.

In the case of internal transfers, the approval is submitted to the head of the body, organization, national entity, higher management organization, or other entities or to whom he delegates, where the graduate was assigned.

Higher Education Graduates

Annex 2 of Resolution 8 of 2013 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security establishes the procedure for processing job placement changes for recent graduates of intermediate and higher level technicians and it is necessary to specify the terms for said process:

  1. The process of change of work location is requested by the worker based on the written justification of his need to transfer to the entity where he was assigned with a letter of acceptance from the requesting body.
  2. If the entity does not agree to grant the release, it notifies the worker within ten (10) business days.
  3. If the entity agrees to grant the release, it notifies its agency which, in turn, will be in charge of notifying the worker of the result of the analysis within a term of ten (10) business days.
  4. The agency evaluates the request and, within ten (10) business days, notifies the worker of the response and issues the release letter, to start the process at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
  5. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has a term of ten (10) business days to approve or not the transfer request.

For movements of Higher Level graduates; the body that releases is responsible for submitting to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security the file consisting of:

  1. Release letter with the authorized signature of the organization to which the graduate was assigned, addressed to the National Director of Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
  2. Letter of acceptance with the authorized signature of the organization that accepts the graduate, addressed to the National Director of Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
  3. Voucher of Labor Placement of the graduate or the copy of it.

High School Technician Graduates

The letter requesting release from the agency is submitted to the Provincial Labor Office, with the corresponding justification and the letter of acceptance from the agency to which the graduate is being proposed.

In the case of High School Technician graduates who are assigned to the agencies of the Central State Administration or its entities of national subordination, only the Provincial Delegate of the agency can issue the release letter, for those who have that structure, or the Director of the Company when not.  In the case of graduates who are assigned to entities of local subordination (Provincial Government), the Director of the provincial company or of the provincial sector to which they are subordinated can issue the release letter.  In all cases, they must be addressed to the Provincial Labor Director, who is responsible for issuing the authorization for the change, if applicable.

The release for the change of work location is only effective, from having in the entity the written approval of the Provincial Labor Director.

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