Swap Procedures

  • Application for the exchanging parties with a stamp of $20.00 each.
  •  Land record of both parties.
  •  The Directors of the Companies must prove the State's interest in the exchange, that is, in what way does the State benefit by authorizing said act, both the one who receives and the one who delivers the land.
  •  Criteria of the Presidents of the ANAP at the provincial and municipal levels of both territories and of the President of the ANAP at the national level.
  •  Certificate from the bank about possible debts.
  •  Legal Opinion issued by the Director or Head of the Provincial Department of Land Control and the Head of the Legal Department.
  •  Appraisal and Inventory of the land and of the benefactions incorporated to it.
  •  Criteria of the Delegates or Provincial Directors of Agriculture in both territories when the exchange is between provinces.  In the case of a swap within the same province, the same documents are requested but at the municipal level and the criteria of the President of the ANAP at the provincial level.
  •  To clip, foliate and index the file updating the paperwork sheet.
  •  Resolution authorizing the swap.
  •  Notification to the parties.
  •  Payment of the corresponding tax.
  •  Registration Certificate.

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