Budgeted Radio Spectrum Control Technical Unit

Budgeted Radio Spectrum Control Technical Unit (UPTCER)

The UPTCER has the mission of implementing actions to guarantee the Cuban State the sovereignty of the radioelectric spectrum, and managing the permit process associated with telecommunications systems and services.

To fulfill its mission and functions, it is structured into: a General Directorate, which is its highest authority, a subordinate Center and 16 Territorial Directorates in all the provinces of the country and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud.

As the Territorial Directorate of Granma, we have the mission of executing the control of the radioelectric spectrum, the implementation of measures for its protection and defense, and the process of processing licenses, permits and authorizations for Natural and Legal Persons in the territory, as established in the regulations of the Ministry of Communications.

Specific functions include the following:

To implement the procedures for the issuance of licenses for the use of the radioelectric spectrum, and other permits and authorizations, established by current legislation; as well as the renewals, modifications, declarations of its expiration or revocations, as appropriate.

To accredit radio amateurs to obtain the Certificate of Capacity and apply the corresponding exams; as well as managing the process of issuing and renewing licenses for the use of the radio by them.

 Issuance of permits and their control in cases of customs clearance of equipment, devices, parts and accessories related to telecommunications and information technology.