Request for Idle State Land in Usufruct by Decree-Law 358/2018

Requirements that legal entities must fulfill.

  • To keep the land they own in production.
  • To have labor force and means to exploit the requested area when requested for self-sufficiency of its workers or associates.


Requirements that natural persons must fulfill.

  • The usufructuaries and owners who are interested in increasing their land, accredit the productive situation of the land they own, the need to increase the land and compliance with legal and contractual obligations.

  • People who do not own land must possess the physical and mental capacity required to put the requested area into production and observe moral and social conduct in accordance with the ethical principles of our society.

  • People who are linked to State entities or non-State forms of production, to be able to work and manage the requested land personally and directly.


Documents contained in the process.

  • Promotional letter of the interested party with a stamp of 5.00 pesos.

  • Certificate of ownership of the goods incorporated into the work of the requested area (Tractor, Livestock, Irrigation Equipment, etc.).

  • Cadastral certification of the requested area.

  • Soil suitability certificate for the requested production line.

  • Appraisal of Existing Property in the requested area.

  • Legal Opinion.

  • Certification of agreement of the CMAA.

  • Resolution approving the delivery of land in usufruct.

  • Notification Diligence.

  • Usufruct contract signed between the usufructuary and the Director of the Company that manages the land.

  • Registered Holder Certificate.

  •  Link to the (Company, UEB, State Farm with legal personality, UBPC, CPA or CCS) as appropriate.

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