Confiscation of land and agricultural assets

Principle: Cases of finding marijuana on usufructuary lands will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law No. 232: "On Confiscation for acts related to drugs, acts of corruption or other illicit behaviors" of January 21, 2003 and its Regulations, Resolution No. 6 of January 24, 2003, all of this considering that there are special regulations for this matter, and therefore the usufruct will not be extinguished for any of the causes established in the Decree- Law No. 300/2012, when drugs are seized from an owner or usufructuary of land, anywhere in the country, the application of this special rule proceeds, it does not have to be within the rustic property.

 As the land is indivisible, the occupation of drugs in it implies total confiscation and not a quota or proportion.

 Documents to incorporate

 To dictate the Confiscatory Resolution by the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture, the following shall be incorporated:

 Land Registry File.

 Inventory and appraisal of land and agricultural assets.

 Document based on information from the Specialized Body of the MININT, or from the corresponding Prosecutor's Office, which proves that what was seized corresponds to drugs.

 Criterion of the Presidents of the ANAP at the provincial and national levels.

 Resolution of the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture.


 Review procedure

 $5.00 stamped application.

 Investigations carried out.

 Criterion of the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture.

 Criterion of the President of the National Association of Small Farmers.

 Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture.

 Notification to offenders and to the Company that receives the land and agricultural assets, having to update their situation in the Land Registry.

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