Property registration

The Property Registry fulfills the fundamental objective of registering real estate, providing it with protection and legal certainty.  Likewise, the registry discloses its entries through the means of publicity established by law.  The registered rights are presumed true and valid.  Registrations will always be requested in the Property Registry of the municipality where the property is located.

To register your home you must provide:

The updated property title that must contain: Nature of the property (Urban or Rural), location, description (type of property and its component parts), measurements and boundaries, occupied area and total area, value or legal price, nature of the right, holder(s) with their complete generals, transferor of the right with their complete generals and official or authority that issued the title.

Identity document of the person requesting registration or representation, where appropriate.

Proof of tax payment, if your requirement corresponds.

The request can be presented by: The acquirer of the right, the one who transfers the right, the legal or voluntary representative of any of the aforementioned persons or any person who has a legitimate interest in securing the right that is intended to be registered.

Taxes on documents (Resolution 370/11 of the MFP)

For Certifications: Postage Stamp worth $10.00

For Negative Certifications: Postage Stamp worth $5.00

For simple Informative Notes: Postage Stamp for a value of $5.00

Terms for registration: 15 business days from the filing of the application.  The term may be extended to an additional 30 business days, exceptionally if other documents are required to be requested outside the registry, to verify the validity of the title.

Registration is charged according to the value or legal price of the property.

The registrar will advise in each case what corresponds.

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