BPA Products

  • Ordinary Savings Accounts +

    They are opened in national currency (CUP), freely convertible currency (CUC), US dollars (USD) and EURO.  All natural persons, of Read More
  • Accounts for the future +

    In national currency (CUP) to workers of Payment Centers linked to the Branch, Social Security pensioners and beneficiaries of Other Read More
  • Fixed Term Deposits +

    It is the deposit of a certain amount of money during a period agreed between the Bank and the client, Read More
  • Fixed term deposit with advance payment of interest +

    It is a product that, taking all the characteristics of traditional Fixed-Term Deposits, makes interest payments more flexible by allowing Read More
  • Deposit certificates +

    All natural persons, of legal age, Cuban or foreign, permanent or temporary residents in the national territory, individually or jointly, Read More
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