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Fixed Term Deposits

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It is the deposit of a certain amount of money during a period agreed between the Bank and the client, with the commitment of the latter that until the expiration of that period it will not increase or decrease the amount deposited, nor will he withdraw the entire deposit.  They open in National Currency, Freely Convertible Currency and US Dollars; are constituted to all natural persons, of legal age, Cuban or foreign residents or not in the country, individually or jointly, representing minors of whom they are parents or guardians or by voluntary representation through Power of Attorney or civilly incapacitated persons.  For Cuban and foreign natural persons not resident in the country, only in USD currency.

For deposits in national currency: $100.00 (one hundred CUP), 200.00 in freely convertible currency or US dollars.

The terms in which they are opened are three, 6, 12, 24, 36.48 and 60 months and the interests are according to the terms and are only paid at the expiration of the agreed term, never in advance and capitalized at the request of the client.

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