Customers may report a complaint for property damage up to three business days after the occurrence of the event through the 188-88 Telephone Service Center (24 hours), in person or by telephone at the Commercial Offices or at the Municipal UEBs.

1. The request for electricity supply is submitted to the Commercial Office of the corresponding locality with no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the need for the service.

2. As a client you must provide the following information:

  1. Name and Surname of the applicant
  2. Identity card number.
  3. Detailed address of the property.

3. Presentation of the appropriate document that proves that the applicant is in legal possession of the property.  Any of the following documents are accepted:

  1. Deed of ownership or property title of the home.
  2. Free permanent usufruct certificate.
  3. Certificate of habitability issued by the corresponding Housing Department.
  4. Construction License for new homes with temporary facilities built, except for breakdowns or existing homes.
  5. Contract with the body that owns the property granting usufruct use to the applicant for the service.
  6. Authorization for the construction or occupation of a home issued by the competent body in that area: ANAP, Popular Power, Cooperative and Hydroenergy.

 4. To demand that the liquidation of the place of origin is presented.

According to the provisions of Resolution 173/2018, Damage to property is understood as damage caused by anomalies in the electrical service to interior electrical installations or to the assets (whether electrical equipment or not) of a natural or legal person (private customers) and/or state, when those anomalies come from causes attributable to the Electric Company.  And massive damage to property: those produced to a number equal to or greater than five clients.

  • Main causes +

    Among the main anomalies that cause these affectations, the false contact of the 220 kV connection, the opening of the Read More
  • How to claim +

    Customers may report a complaint for property damage up to three business days after the occurrence of the event through Read More
  • 1

Among the main anomalies that cause these affectations, the false contact of the 220 kV connection, the opening of the neutral of the secondary circuit (conductor to ground) and internal problems of the transformer stand out.

Claims for damage to property caused, for example, by atmospheric discharges, natural disasters, strong winds, penetrations of the sea, car accidents, unauthorized manipulation of the Electric Company's installations and damage to the interior electrical installations of the property are not accepted.