Procedures and Services

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  • Agricultural property insurance +

    They protect direct investment and the yield of temporary crops, as well as permanent plantations from damage or loss caused by weather events, aero-avalanches, tornadoes, strong winds, floods, heavy rains, excess humidity, hail, drought, fire, landslides of the ground  as well as pests and diseases. Among the insurable crops are: Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugarcane, Rice and other grains, Vegetables, Tubers and roots, Banana, Fruit trees, Seedbeds, Nurseries, Forestry, Temporary flower cultivation, Organoponics, Protected crops. Read More
  • Livestock insurance +

    It covers deaths, sacrifices, as well as the loss of their ability to fulfill the purpose for which they were intended at the time of signing the contract, provided that these occur due to or as a result of weather risks, illnesses after thirty (30) days natural after the entry into force of the insurance, as well as the risk of accident.  In the same way, it covers: Asphyxia, pathological childbirth, bloating and operative and postoperative complications, provided that said interventions have been carried out by veterinary personnel, among these livestock assets we have: Cattle, Sheep / Goats, Rabbits, Equine Cattle, Read More
  • Patrimonial agricultural insurance +

    They cover damage caused to Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Implements due to weather events, tornadoes, strong winds, floods, heavy rains, excess humidity, hail, fire, landslides, theft and crashes or overturning. Read More
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The subjects of the Travel insurance contract, the Policyholder and/or the Insured, on whom the rights and obligations derived from the policy fall.  In the case of people who travel in the interest of your entity, the contract will be signed by the legal representative of the entity in its capacity as Policyholder or Contractor of the insurance.

Insurable persons: Cuban or foreign natural persons who appear on a trip organized by the Policyholder or by themselves, as long as their state of health does not constitute an aggravated risk for the Insurer.

  • Medical expenses due to illness or accident +

    The Insurer bears the medical-surgical, dental, pharmaceutical and hospitalization expenses incurred as a result of a sudden illness or accident, which are appropriate to the nature of the illness or injury suffered and the circumstances of its occurrence. Read More
  • Repatriation and/or transportation +

    For the injured, sick and deceased, in the event of an accident or sudden illness occurring to the Insured. Read More
  • Personal Civil Liability +

  • Judicial Bail Advance +

  • Travel Assistance +

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  • Automobile insurance +

    This insurance is voluntary for annual renewal and is offered in order to compensate in the event of the occurrence of any of the risks provided for in the insurance contract. There are 2 coverages: Basic coverage: Material damages that are: Fire, lightning, explosion and transportation. Crash or rollover. Subtractions: robbery, theft, misappropriation, theft of the insured vehicle to use it. Comprehensive cover. Additional coverage: Civil Liability, damage to third party property and bodily injury or death. This insurance has several modalities that are: Modality A: Coverage based on compensation. Modality B: Coverage based on Replacement. Modality C: All Risk Read More
  • Drivers liability insurance +

    As explained, it is the civil responsibility that a driver who has in an accident, compensating for material damage to third party property and injuries or deaths to third parties, this insurance is voluntary. Insurance is also offered for the drivers' operating license, which is mandatory, which is made to each driver with an operating license for cargo or passengers, as well as coachmen, cart drivers, cativaneros, biketaxis. If we analyze insurance being a way of preventing, because we have to take care of ourselves and not incur in violations in order to be compensated in case of damage, this Read More
  • Fire insurance and allied lines +

    In this insurance, the basic coverage is Fire, Lightning and Explosion, meaning: Fire: due to the direct action of fire as a result of combustion itself and/or short circuit or due to fire produced in the place where the insured property is located. Lightning: by the direct action of natural electrical discharges on the property subject to insurance. Explosion: due to an internal or external explosion that affects the insured property. The Insurer will extend the Fire, Lightning and Explosion coverage to damage caused by any means used to extinguish or prevent the spread of the damage. Additional coverage: Cyclone, Read More
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Unforeseen events happen when we least expect them, so secure your life, guarantee your economic stability and your loved ones.

This must be the first insurance to be contracted since it is the Life of the people; it is a voluntary insurance, which allows the family economy to be well protected since it will not be at the mercy of it in the event of damage in the event of accidents or death.

This insurance is aimed at Cubans and foreigners who are permanent residents in Cuba, between the ages of 17 and 77.  It can be contracted individually, collectively or optionally collectively and can be done with a payroll discount, making it easier for the client not to have to operate with cash each month.

  • Death of the insured +

    For whatever reason.  In this case, the sum insured (which can range from 1,000 to 50,000 pesos), will be received by those persons that the insured has designated as beneficiaries in the contract.  It covers, at no additional cost, 100 pesos of funeral expenses.  In the optional modality, double the amount contracted will be paid if the death occurs accidentally. Read More
  • Temporary disabilities +

    Suffered by the insured, as a result of accidents, cardiovascular diseases, encephalic vascular diseases and emergency surgical interventions, which require a period of rest from 14 to 180 days for their cure. Read More
  • Total or partial permanent disabilities +

    Suffered by the insured as a result of accidents, cardiovascular diseases, encephalic vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.  The sum ranges from 1,000 to 50,000 pesos. Read More
  • Pharmaceutical expenses +

    In which the insured may incur, associated with these disabilities, ranging between 50 and 300 pesos. Read More
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