Procedures and Services

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Description of the procedure: Document requested by Cuban citizens as proof, evidence or proof, before administrative authorities, or in administrative, consular, labor legal processes and courts of justice in the national territory, as well as, before other similar authorities abroad.

Types of certifications: Certifications of Identity, Address, Migratory Movement of entries and exits to the country, Immigration Condition or Immigration Status, Immigration, Citizenship and MININT service time.


  • Physical presence of the applicant.
  •  Identification document.
  •  Evidence documents that support the request.

Legal basis that supports it:

  • Constitution of the Republic.
  • Law No. 113/2012 of the Tax System of the Ministry of Finance and Prices.

Cost: 15.00 and 20.00 CUP in postage stamps, as appropriate.

Approximate duration time: (30 days)

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Description of the procedure: Action to extend the validity of the document.


  •  Physical presence of the holder.
  •  Identity Card or Minor Card as appropriate.
  •  Holder's passport.
  •  The payment of the tax in stamps according to what is established by the Ministry of Finance and Prices.
  •  Authorization formalized before a notary public of the parents or the corresponding legal representatives, of those under 18 years of age or disabled.

Legal basis that supports it:

Updated edition of Law 1312/76 and its Regulations.

Law No. 113/2012 of the Tax System of the Ministry of Finance and Prices

Cost: 20.00 CUC in postage stamps

Approximate duration time: immediate.


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Description of the procedure: It is the extension of stay abroad for periods longer than 24 months, to Cuban citizens residing in the national territory who are in any of the following cases: Impossibility of traveling for humanitarian reasons or health problems duly demonstrated.  Work, student, personal, or family reasons that limit the interested party temporarily to return to the country and that justify his authorization.


  • If the application is submitted in the national territory:
  •  Updated identity card of the person who serves as a reference in Cuba.
  •  Application letter.
  •  Evidence document on the exceptional nature of the request.

Legal basis that supports it:

 Updated edition of Law 1312/76 and its Regulations.

Cost: without charge.

Approximate duration time: (15 days)

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Description of the procedure: Act by which a passport is issued, as the case may be, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of the Interior, to take effect only in terms of the admission and stay of its holder abroad and in Cuba as Cuban citizen.


  • Physical presence of the holder.
  • Identity Card or Minor Card as appropriate.
  • The payment of the tax in stamps according to what is established by the Ministry of Finance and Prices
  • Authorization formalized before a public notary of the parents or the corresponding legal representatives, of those under 18 years of age or disabled.

Legal basis that supports it:

Updated edition of Law 1312/76 and its Regulations.

Law No. 113/2012 of the Tax System of the Ministry of Finance and Prices.

Cost: $100 CUC in postage stamps.

Approximate duration time: Between 7 and 15 days.

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