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Permanent residence

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Description of the procedure: The Permanent Residence is processed by foreigners interested in establishing their residence in Cuba together with parents, children, Cuban spouse or foreign permanent residents in Cuba.


 a) Letter of personal request.

 b) Biographical model.

 c) 4 Photos 1x1.

 d) Birth Certificate of the holder (translated and legalized at the Cuban Consulate abroad).

 e) Criminal Record Certificate (translated and legalized at the Cuban Consulate abroad).

 f) Marriage Certificate according to Cuban laws (Not to exceed 6 months).

 g) Birth certificate of Cuban children.

 h) Medical Check-up carried out at an International Clinic (if issued abroad, it must be translated and legalized at the Cuban Consulate abroad).

 i) Notarial consent of the owner of the home where he will reside.

 j) Document that demonstrates economic solvency.

 k) Tax payment in stamps, as established by the Ministry of Finance and Prices.

 Legal basis that supports the procedure:

  •  Constitution of the Republic.
  •  Decree Law No. 302/12 and 305/12, Modifying Law No. 1312 and its Regulations.
  •  Law No. 113/2012 of the Tax System of the Ministry of Finance and Prices

 Cost: $40.00 CUC

 $10.00 CUC issuance of the identity card for foreigners

 Approximate duration time: 90 days.

 Formats: biographical model

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