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Entry requirements:

 To be 17 years old and at least ninth grade.  Graduates of Skilled Workers specialties, with (15 or 16) years of age, who have a labor relationship, are exempt from compliance with this requirement.

 Be a worker or belong to the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) endorsing that condition with a letter from the work center or agricultural production cooperative, as appropriate.

 Presentation of the letter from the workplace, documents from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security or from the National Office of Tributary Administration (ONAT) in the case of self-employed workers.

 To be a housewife, endorsing that condition with a letter from the Cuban Women Federation (FMC) block to which the interested party belongs.

 Presentation of the identity card and the diploma or certification of completed studies.

 In the case of graduates of Skilled Workers, their registration is allowed even if they do not have a labor relationship.

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 Entry requirements:

  • To be at least (17) years old. To have minimum 9th grade approved.
  •  Being an active worker.
  •  To enroll in one language.
  •  Exceptionally and as long as no worker is displaced, admit housewives, retirees, other high school students, university students and those non-working people who, due to the socio-economic interests of the locality and the emerging creation of sources of work, require preparation in language schools.
  •  Presentation of the identity card and the diploma or certification of completed studies.
  •  Presentation of a letter from the workplace stating the need to excel in a certain language.

 Languages ​​currently studied at the Language School:

  •  English (this language is taught at 4 levels).
  •  French (this language is taught at 4 levels).
  •  Portuguese (this language is taught at 3 levels)
  •  Italian (this language is taught at 3 levels)

 As another route of entry, the possibility of classification exams is offered, applying in the English and French languages ​​from the 1st to the 3rd level and for the 4th level by a sufficiency exam.

 In the case of the Portuguese and Italian languages, they are classified in 1st and 2nd level and 3rd by a sufficiency exam.

 How is the registration process carried out?

 Within the first working days of the month of July, applicants to enroll in the language school will submit to the teaching secretary the written request in which they will reflect: name and surnames, permanent identity card number, home address, information center work or studies, language you aspire to study, interest or need for which you make the request, level to achieve and time you can attend.

 Foreign university students who meet the requirement of being Government scholarship holders must submit their applications, with the letter from the Rector of the University that guarantees their scholarship status, before the structure that attends International Relations in the provincial directorates of Education, who will be responsible with the processing through the Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Education for approval at this level

 Once the applications have been received, the teaching secretary will proceed to carry out the enrollment selection process.  This analysis will be done taking into account the entry requirements, the needs contemplated in the applications, as well as the capacities available to the center, observing the following order of priorities:

 a) Workers who, due to the need to fulfill work abroad, need the language.

 b) Workers of centers where the language is an essential instrument of work.

 c) Workers who require professional completion.

 d) Workers whose language provides them with future economic prospects.

 In the last week of August, the nominal list of those selected will be displayed on the center's mural for the information of the applicants and the formalization of enrollment and payment will begin, which is 20 pesos per month in national currency.

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 Youth and Adult Education aims to contribute to the comprehensive training of workers, housewives, youth and adult population in general, in correspondence with the updating of the economic and social model of the country and in coordination with agencies, mass organizations and institutions of society.

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