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Municipality Information

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Granma has an intense cultural life that encompasses the main manifestations of art and literature.  It carries out an impressive work of cultural extension in the mountains, highlighting the Book Festival in the Sierra "La Ventana Rodante" and the Guerrilla de Teatreros, an artistic company that tours the area proposing performing arts shows in constant interaction with its audience.

 The province stands out for its work in rescuing and preserving musical traditions.  The most significant examples can be seen in the vitality of the oriental organ and the concert band movement, which includes children and adolescents.

 In commemoration of October 20, the date on which the Hymn of Bayamo is sung for the first time and which is established as the Day of Cuban Culture, the Fiesta de la Cubanía is celebrated every year in Bayamo City.  This event combines spaces for reflection with cultural and recreational activities that rescue local and national traditions.  Important representatives of the island's artistic avant-garde attend each edition.

 More information: Crucible Portal

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