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For the process of access to kindergarten

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RM 6 of 2017 of the Ministry of Education (MINED), on the norms and procedures for the granting of registrations in daycare centers, establishes a group of resolutions where the steps to access the benefits of these institutions are regulated, which we list below.

 It is an essential requirement for the granting and permanence of enrollment in a day care center that the mother is an active worker regardless of the sector of the economy where she works (state or non-state) and her place of residence.

 Parents or guardians may also be benefited, who meet the same condition as long as they exercise custody and care of the minor.

 Enrollment is also granted to working mothers whose children have special educational needs, provided that their characteristics do not affect their integrity and the one of the other children.  Previously evaluated by specialists.

 Mothers with hearing disabilities also have the right to apply even if they do not have an employment relationship.

 Applications for granting are made personally by the applicant (mother, father or working guardian) through the application form that can be purchased at the Municipal Directorates of Education in the Department of Early Childhood, for this process you must submit the following documents:

  •  Minor ID card.
  •  Identity card of the mother or guardian
  •  Letter that guarantees the employment situation of the mother, signed by the director of the entity or head of human resources and a member of the management of the union section as well as the legible stamp.

 There are two moments to receive the registration, one is the systematic granting (monthly) that is carried out when the child turns one year old and walks by himself (second year of life) and in the month of June where the completion of the children is carried out, of the third year of life, the preschool grade and the parallel classrooms that it is decided to open based on the real conditions of the institutions.

 In the act of granting, the municipal commissions meet and are chaired by the directors of education and the capacities are distributed by the organizations taking into account the level of priority previously granted by the councils of the administration of the municipal popular power and the number of requests.  Then a letter is sent to the beneficiary organization informing of the assigned capacities and it must activate the commission directed by the director of each entity to determine which mother or guardian will benefit taking into account their priorities.

 When the granting is made, the beneficiary person must appear at the day care center within a term of up to 5 business days from knowing the communication, otherwise it can cause cancellation.

 When registering, the following documents must be brought to the kindergarten:

  •  File that has the application form and the endorsement and the registration ticket with a new updated endorsement.
  •  The complementary analyzes indicated by the health personnel.

 After completing the delivery of the documentation, the director of the kindergarten plans and informs the mother of the adaptation process that will be defined based on the acceptance by the child of all the basic processes and activities that take place in the institution.

 Download Application

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