Procedures and Services

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112 - Commercial management of fixed telephony

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From the comfort of your home, you can call 112 to manage those procedures related to the telephone service that do not require your presence at the Commercial Office:

Additions and cancellations of supplementary services.

High and low extensions.

Changes of telephone number, telephone set, interior assembly and profession.

Special disconnection and connection of telephone service.


Change to private and stop being private from the phone number.

Information about the telephone bill and statement of accounts.

Information about the status of previous applications.

Inquiries about the telephone bill.

Information on any other aspect or procedure of the telephone service.

You can also find out about the services of our company and the status of the requests made through this channel.  From Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m.  to 8:00 p.m.  You can request our executives from 112.

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