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 It is granted to working mothers of children with severe irreversible and permanent disabilities, in vegetative and bedridden states, with a tendency to progression over time and profound affectations of the neurocognitive and adaptive functions of the environment in pediatric age, without the possibility of institutional care.

 For the granting of the service, the following requirements must be met:

  1.  The mother has been employed at the time of the child's birth or when the child acquired the disability.
  2.  She has abandoned her employment relationship due to the need to dedicate herself to caring for the child.
  3.  The degree of disability of the child prevents him from accessing the national education system, including any modality of educational attention or other institutional alternative of the MINSAP.
  4.  That the child with severe disability is of pediatric age, considering that at this stage they benefit from rehabilitation and stimulation programs, as well as educational and psycho-pedagogical programs on an outpatient basis, essential for the evolution, prognosis and maintenance of quality of life.

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It is only granted to older adults or people with disabilities who live alone, lack family members obliged to provide help or cohabitants, and who are bedridden or with restricted mobility.

 The granting of the service may be evaluated in nuclei made up of more than one cohabitant, if they all have severe disabilities or disabling illnesses and lack obligated relatives.

 Requirements that must be met by the worker who occupies the position of Home Social Worker are:

 Maintain appropriate social and moral conduct.

 Medical certificate accredited stable health status, absence of risky pathologies and history of psychiatric disorders.

 Older than 18 years-old

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 It is considered an exceptional situation for which the request for the service is made, when the following circumstances occur:

 The responsibility carried out by the worker is relevant for the economic, scientific or social development of the country.

 He is the only partner of the person with a disability and does not have siblings or other forced relatives.

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