Procedures and Services

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Municipal Land Control and Tractor Registration Offices located at:

 No.   /     Municipality   /  Phone number   / 

1. Río Cauto   / 23 825142

2. Cauto Cristo  / 23 327822

3. Jiguaní   /  23 366739

4. Bayamo   / 23 411952

5. Yara  / 23 588245

6. Manzanillo   / 23 573650

7. Campechuela / 23 587562

8. Media Luna  / 23 593481

9. Niquero   / 23 592157

10. Pilón   / 23 594324

11. Bartolomé Masó / 23 565172

12. Buey Arriba  / 23 343449

13. Guisa  / 23 391143

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