Procedures and Services

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Cooperative Creation Document.

 Minutes or Resolution of the Liquidating Commission.

 Minutes of the General Assembly of members.

 Request from the Delegate or Provincial and Municipal Director of Agriculture.

 Criterion of the President of the ANAP at its three levels.

 Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture and notification thereof.

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Written request of the interested party with a stamp of 5 pesos.

 Cadastral Certificate.

 Soil Certificate.

 Appraisal of land, agricultural assets and benefactions, issued by the competent authority.

 Bank certification on debts.

 Certificate of Registered Holder.

 Purchase Agreement signed by the owner of the Agricultural Production Unit (seller) and the Director of the Company executing the purchase.

 Criterion of the President of the National Association of Small Farmers at the provincial level.

 Pension Request Form for Farm Purchase, signed by the Provincial Director or Delegate of Agriculture, or provision approving the purchase when payment is in installments or in cash.


 Being 60 years old in the case of women and 65 years old in the case of men.  In the event of not having reached the age indicated in the previous numeral, the inability to work the land must be proven, a particular matter that will be determined by the Corresponding Medical Expertise Commission.

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The procedure is applicable to natural persons who occupy the properties referred to, finished or in execution, and to legal persons requesting legalization of State dwellings.

 The natural persons who occupy the properties must appear before the Head of the Municipal Land Registry to request their legalization.

 Documents that must be taken to the process:

 Request letter from the interested party with a stamp of 5.00 pesos MN.

 Document that proves his occupation if he has it.

 Sketch that describes the requested area.

 In private property area, consent of its owner.

 If the area is property of a CPA, agreement to the General Assembly approving the Disaffection of the area.

 Certificate of legal status of the area occupied by the Land Control Registry, as well as the State interest for agricultural or non-agricultural use of the area.

 If the area is State, approval of the Director of the Company that manages the land.

 Official measurement of the area where the property is located by GEOCUBA.

 Agreement of the CMAA on the origin or not of the procedure.

 Legal Opinion.

 Resolution of the Municipal Delegate of Agriculture. Notification of the Resolution.

 The interested person presents the Resolution before the corresponding Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning or Housing for the legalization of the dwelling.

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The small farmer who requests to make a swap with areas of the State, submits his request to the Municipal Director of Land Control, attaching the letter of the Director of the Company that agrees to deliver the land, the other certification actions, issuance of criteria, investigations and others, will be in charge of the territory where the latter resides, transferring the registry file to the superior instance so that it can be completed in the other territory, being the Provincial Delegate or Director who concludes the procedure or submits it to the Minister of Agriculture, similar action will be when it is carried out among small farmers.

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