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Certification of Beekeeping Products

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Clinical inspection of the products of origin of the hive, in this case: honey, propolis and wax.

Note: For more information consult the provincial department and municipal departments through the following telephone numbers.

Provincial Department ---- 23 483909

Rio Cauto -----------------------  23 825107

Cauto Cristo --------------------- 23 327822

Jiguaní -----------------------------23 366621

Bayamo --------------------------- 23 424651

Yara ------------------------------- 23 588545

Manzanillo ----------------------- 23 578660

Campechuela ------------------- 23 587462

Media Luna -----------------------23 593428

Niquero --------------------------   23 592629

Pilón ------------------------------- 23 594281

Bartolomé Masó ---------------- 23 565482

Buey Arriba ---------------------- 23 343900

Guisa------------------------------ 23 391398

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