Procedures and Services

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In this insurance, the basic coverage is Fire, Lightning and Explosion, meaning:

Fire: due to the direct action of fire as a result of combustion itself and/or short circuit or due to fire produced in the place where the insured property is located.

Lightning: by the direct action of natural electrical discharges on the property subject to insurance.

Explosion: due to an internal or external explosion that affects the insured property.

The Insurer will extend the Fire, Lightning and Explosion coverage to damage caused by any means used to extinguish or prevent the spread of the damage.

Additional coverage: Cyclone, Tornado, Hail, Windsock, and Aero-avalanches, Damages due to Acts of Malicious Persons, Falling Objects and Aircraft, Vehicle Impacts and Smoke, Flood, Spontaneous Combustion, Earthquake, Water Damage, Building Collapse, Construction or Demolition of Adjacent Buildings, Landslides, Theft, Civil Liability, Debris Removal, High-Risk Properties, Machinery Breakdown, Decomposition of Products in Refrigerators.

 As objects of this insurance service are:

Residential Sector: It will provide financial protection to private properties, understood as real estate and contents, for fire and requested coverage.

Non-Residential Sector: It will provide financial protection to the real estate and the contents of the Industrial Sector as well as the Agricultural Sector, for which the buildings (warehouses and others), linked to the latter sector will be part of this insurance, protecting against fire as well as the additional ones requested.

Facilities for Protected Crops.

Tobacco in Cure or Burn.

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This insurance is voluntary for annual renewal and is offered in order to compensate in the event of the occurrence of any of the risks provided for in the insurance contract.

There are 2 coverages:

Basic coverage: Material damages that are:

Fire, lightning, explosion and transportation.

Crash or rollover.

Subtractions: robbery, theft, misappropriation, theft of the insured vehicle to use it.

Comprehensive cover.

Additional coverage: Civil Liability, damage to third party property and bodily injury or death.

This insurance has several modalities that are:

Modality A: Coverage based on compensation.

Modality B: Coverage based on Replacement.

Modality C: All Risk Coverage.

This insurance can be done in both currencies.

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As explained, it is the civil responsibility that a driver who has in an accident, compensating for material damage to third party property and injuries or deaths to third parties, this insurance is voluntary.

Insurance is also offered for the drivers' operating license, which is mandatory, which is made to each driver with an operating license for cargo or passengers, as well as coachmen, cart drivers, cativaneros, biketaxis.

If we analyze insurance being a way of preventing, because we have to take care of ourselves and not incur in violations in order to be compensated in case of damage, this is the only insurance for the guilty, since the driver responsible for an accident is compensated, who does not stop paying the criminal part, but the third parties damaged in the accident in which this driver incurred are compensated, so he does not have to take it out of his family or personal economy.

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